
Showing posts from 2017
                                  " HAPPY BIRTHDAY "          So another year of mine . I want to take a moment, just a moment to look at myself . To see how far did I come from and how far I traveled ... Where else I have to go and How far is this journey . I don't want to know the future in my palm  Or I don't want to look at the past in my eye balls , Let me stop the time right here , right now ! Let me thank you dear me , to travel all these years step by step no matter how much your eyes were into tears , time to time or how many nights you pass over sleeping , or broke your heart or they have , Or even how much you have been in pain or maybe cause pain , Any how , any ways !! Still you got up and clean everything and put things together and moved on . Thank you for accompany me all these years through the thoughness Thank you for not giving up  Thank you for adjusting  Thank you for millions of times  And
SunShine I haven't touch my longhand for ages . I was pretty perplexed about the incidents in my head running out of times . But I couldn't ripen to a particular place , where I could release the pen and paper for a while . Meanwhile, the only thing that could embroiled my mind was a person ...! Who was excessively perfect and unique for this world . Who was like a shelter home, with it's yard . Who was just like a brief drizzle in spring, with it's butterflies and ladybirds caress your skin . Who was beautiful like a photograph or a memorable movie to watch . Or who sounds like a song which takes your limbs to dance along with it blindly . Who smells sweet like mountain with it's burning sparkling stars making galaxy in the night sky and potent as thunderclap and just too irreplaceable . Who looked like a disarming ocean and squishy sands to walk on and enjoy watching the sunset with it's breath taking view . Then I whispered : Who are you ?
"HAPPINESS" Happiness is watching the tiny tiddly little lights around the Christmas tree at your grand mother's house . Happiness is the moment of getting ready for a car trip with bunch of your family or friends . Happiness is excitement feeling of backing and cooking different kind of foods and cookies and fix some decoration for new year or any other event with your family . Happiness some times is in your mother's hands where she holding her wallet when you are shopping new clothes with her . Happiness can be waking up thinking what to eat for breakfast while you are deciding between toasted butter bread with jam on top or a muffin and milk or a bowl of cornflakes or slices of pizza which left over in refrigerator from last night dinner . Happiness can be finding one of your favourite earring that you thought you have lost in your cupboard . Happiness can be waiting with a box of an ice cream and a spoon in your hand for a TV show that you have bee
How Are You Some times , you get tired of walking the road all alone by yourself . Some times, you will be looking for some one that can walk you along with them to not to feel lonely . Some times, you can't fine the one to count on . Some times, situations gets so complicated and hard that your foot wont be able to walk and your knees are weak and you will just sit down and stare at the road and think how tired you are . Some times, the sun raises and you feel it's such a beautiful day and you feel like doing every thing at once . But some times, even raising the sun wont matter to you , like you don't even feel like opening your eyes and see the sun goes down and moon comes up . But even on those days , even on those nights ... I will be conceiving about you . I want to know how have you been ? What have you been thinking of ? Or what made you feel so upset ? I want to know how can I help you ? I want to know how can I make you feel alri