
Showing posts from May, 2017
                                  " HAPPY BIRTHDAY "          So another year of mine . I want to take a moment, just a moment to look at myself . To see how far did I come from and how far I traveled ... Where else I have to go and How far is this journey . I don't want to know the future in my palm  Or I don't want to look at the past in my eye balls , Let me stop the time right here , right now ! Let me thank you dear me , to travel all these years step by step no matter how much your eyes were into tears , time to time or how many nights you pass over sleeping , or broke your heart or they have , Or even how much you have been in pain or maybe cause pain , Any how , any ways !! Still you got up and clean everything and put things together and moved on . Thank you for accompany me all these years through the thoughness Thank you for not giving up  Thank you for adjusting  Thank you for millions of times  And